II. Such officers will arrest
and send to the District Provost Marshall for punishment, all men (and
all women, not heads of families) who willfully aid and encourage guerrillas;
with a written statement of the names and residence of such persons and
of the proof against them. They will discriminate as carefully as possible
between those who are compelled by threats or fears to aid the rebels and
those who aid them from disloyal motives.
The wives and
the children of known guerrillas, and also women who are heads of families
and are willfully engaged in aiding guerrillas, will be notified by such
officers to move out of this district and out of the State of Missouri
forthwith. They will be permitted to take unmolested, their stock, provisions
and household goods. If they fail to remove promptly they will be sent
by such officers under escort to Kansas City for shipment South, with their
cloths and such necessary household furniture as may be worth removing.
III. Persons who have borne arms against the Government and voluntarily lay them down and surrender themselves at a military station, will be sent under escort to the District Provost Marshall at these Head Quarters. Such persons will be banished with their families to such State or district out of this department as the General Commanding the Department may direct, and will there remain exempt from other military punishment or account of their past disloyalty, but not exempt from civil trial for treason.
IV. No officer or enlisted man,
without special instructions from these Head Quarters will burn or destroy
any buildings, fences, crops or other property. But all furnaces and fixtures
of blacksmith shops in that part of Missouri included in the District,
not at military stations, will be destroyed and the tools either removed
to such stations or destroyed.
V. Commanders of companies and detachments serving in Missouri will not allow persons not in the military service of the United States to accompany them on duty except when employed as guides, and will be held responsible for the good conduct of such men employed as guides and for their obedience to orders.
VI. Officers and enlisted men belonging to regiment or companies, organized or unorganized, are prohibited going from Kansas to the District of Northern Missouri without written permission or order from these Head Quarters or from the Assistant Provost Marshal at Leavenworth City or the Commanding officer at Fort Leavenworth or some Officer commanding a military station in the District of Northern Missouri.