First Letter
Nov 2nd 1911
Fletch Taylor
San Francisco Cal
"Dear Old Boy Fletch"

I read your letter from Oct 14th-an had the heavens opened & dropped on me. I scarcely would have expected to find Fletch Taylor. Yet I did after the Smoke Cleared Away. Just received letter from Billy Gregg F(?)the death of Hi George.
Gregg writes a fine letter and in closing pays the highest tribute to those dear Old Southern ladies.
It does one soul good to read them then think back-"Who brought me my Supper"- What sacrifice they made-what chances they take for their live "While delivering the goods"

Where did you go from Sherman Tex Dec 18 1864.  Arch Clemmons held us down same winter until Mar 5-65
Went to Mt Pleasant, Gilas Co-left April 6th for Mo-144 strong 3 Captains-A Clemmonsof Bill Anderson's Old Co-Jim Anderson 1st Lieut-John Hope 2nd Lieut.- Dave Pool Capt-Mark Belt 1st Lieut.-Martin Rider Capt. of a few Boys. We came to Mo Spring of 65-getting into Kingsville, Johnson Co May 7th- Another so called Massacre. No one hurt of course                from that date  until we surrendered at Lexington, Lafayette, County May Sunday 21st we were going Some                       from 100 to 500 federals at every cross road they dared not follow us to the "Bushes".
                                                        In addition to my "love" for you please write me in full your experience with Bro. Boone  not to get into history but to file away in the Archives of my heart & home.
                                                                                                                        I have wife & 1 Boy Chas Scholl who attained the age of 21 years the day you wrote me Oct 14th- Another thing please send me your picture just as you look now and if you have a Soldier boy picture just let  come.   Please write me & lets keep in touch with each other  it won't be many more years & we will be off the map (Over)
Am living at Valley Park St. Louis Co 16 miles Wast of St. Louis on Mo Pacific & also Frisco R.R.
should this reach you with a prompt response will wrie you the names of those still living. March 5th 1912 if I'm still living will be 66 years of age you & Boone were nearly the same age.  let the letter & picture  (?).  "Iwant it because I want". Truely your next best friend after Boone.
                                                                                                      George Scholl

Second Letter
Dec 18th 1911
Fletch Taylor
Cosmos Club  San F_Cal
Friend and better Still Comrade
I found you
after years of searching and have a letter from you that money "Can't" buy------
Am asking of you now one letter per month
and surely Fletch I must have your picture just as you look now
to place besides Bro Boones' "Two Ideal Soldiers"-Send me your picture that I may add it to my collection of other Tried & True.
Can't you arrange to be at Independence next Aug 6th "You have been there" and know just where to Come
dont fail me on the photo-Striving to get up Something (?) of the (?) boys-  "Soldier Boys" whom you knew so well. Feeling fine-will be 66 years old Mar 5th next-you are older
Write me because you like me And like me because of by gone days.
George Scholl
